
inventory management

Monthly recap graphic

Updates Amazon Tracking Number Writeback Enhancements For Amazon orders shipped with other carriers — like USPS, FedEx, and UPS — tracking info is instantly synced to Amazon. This does not include shipped orders via Amazon SFP. Emails Sent via Ordoro Must Comply with DMARC Standards If you communicate…

Monthly recap graphic

With Summer just around the corner, we’re busy busting out new features to enhance your operations and maximize your chill time! Updates Creating Products EnhancementWith this UX update, you now have the option to Create and View the product which will direct you to the Product Detail page.…

Order Management Software

Running a successful ecommerce business requires efficient tools, and one of the most important tools is order management software. Order management software enables you to process orders more quickly, more effectively, and without errors. But, how do you choose the best order management software for your ecommerce operation?…