Ordoro V3 Orders list page

Automate Dropshipping with Confidence

Ordoro helps growing merchants operate like large-scale corporations, but at a fraction of the cost. Our feature-rich platform makes automatically routing dropshipments to the correct supplier a breeze. Delight your customers with accurate and speedy fulfillment!

Starting at $59 per month, our flex pricing scales with your business.

Kind words from a few of our customers

“Ordoro continues to add immensely valuable features to an already awesome sales/warehousing/shipping platform. Using Ordoro continues to save us time and money.”

Anthony Krize,
VP of GE Holiday Lighting

“I spent about a month thoroughly searching for the right backend fulfillment software for my eCommerce business. There were definitely some big name guys out there that I considered, but at the end of the day, I went with Ordoro and I’m so glad I did!”

Tina Yarandi
Founder/CEO of Nature’s Artisan

“Because of Ordoro, we get more done before 10 am than most online sellers do all day. ”

Greg Warrington,
Owner of Wigs US
Cut the Clicks

Every part of Ordoro’s dropshipping workflow — from setup to fulfillment — is designed to be as simple as possible.

Dropshipping lifecycle
Start Dropshipping in Minutes
Connect your sales channels, import your products, assign them to their designated vendors — and boom — you’re ready.
Get Time Back in Your Day
Automatically route orders to the correct supplier for faster fulfillment and fewer errors. Through Ordoro’s open API, you can build custom integrations with your vendors to fully streamline your operations.
Suppliers and 3PL Warehouses
Enter a Portal to Paradise
With Vendor Portals, Ordoro allows your suppliers to log in and view their active orders from you. They’ll also be able to create shipping labels in bulk and create tracking information as they’re getting packages out the door.
We’re Not Ones to Brag, But...
More than just dropshipping software

Ordoro was built to scale with retailers as they expand their footprint. When you’re ready, you can take on everything from inventory management to barcode scanning — giving you a single source of truth for all things order fulfillment.


Multi-Carrier Shipping

Print shipping labels in triple-digit batches with any of our integrated carriers like USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL and Canada Post. When creating USPS labels, you’ll automatically access our heavily-discounted shipping rates. Further streamline label creation by configuring automation rules and shipping presets.

Inventory Management

Inventory Management

Automatically track and sync your inventory levels across all of your sales channels. Bundle multiple SKUs into one unit for sale with our powerful kitting engine. Create, send out and receive Purchase Orders when it’s time to restock products.

Multi-Channel Markets


View and take action on all of the order data from your sales and supplier channels in one spot. Connect them by either using our exhaustive list of built-in integrations or with our open API.

Barcode Scanning

Barcode Generation and Scanning

Raise the bar for stocking, packing and receiving by creating and setting UPC barcodes for your products in Ordoro. Once set, scan them and search for products on your orders. Save time and reduce fulfillment errors by utilizing our barcode scanning pick and pack workflow. Process received POs faster by scanning through your new inventory while Ordoro automatically adjusts stock levels.

Let’s Chat

Want to pick the brain of one of our product experts? Book some time with us and we’ll show you how Ordoro works and also see if we’re a good fit.